2021 ATA Events On Demand
View insightful presentations hosted by the ATA’s Special Interest Groups and other telehealth industry leaders.
Please select one of our featured TAW2021 virtual events to view on demand.
Using Telehealth to Eliminate Health Disparities
Presented by:
Yasmine Winkler, Independent Director, Former Health Care Executive
Ron Wyatt, VP & Safety Officer, MCIC
7 Steps to Assessing Telehealth Technology
Telehealth technology assessment can be an intimidating endeavor for organizations as often many of the needed skills for technology assessment are not well-developed in a clinical environment.
In this presentation, the Telehealth Technology Assessment Center (TTAC) describes a framework you can use for selecting telehealth technology built around 7 key steps. TTAC will discuss how to better understand your organization’s needs, evaluate potential devices, and select technology that meets your requirements.
Jordan J. Berg, Telehealth Technology Specialist, National Telehealth Technology Assessment Center (TTAC)
Doris Barta, Director, National Telehealth Technology Assessment Center (TTAC)
Jonathan Savage, Founder & CEO, Care on Location, PC, and Telehealth Technology SIG Chair
Brad Wegrzyn, Principal Applications Analyst – Telehealth Program Admin (Providence St. Joseph Health) and Telehealth Technology SIG Vice-Chair
Exploring Asynchronous Telehealth and its Critical Role within our Evolving Healthcare System
Asynchronous telehealth allows patients and providers to communicate and exchange important health information when it’s most convenient for them, whereas synchronous telehealth interactions require patients and providers to communicate in “real-time.” The usage of asynchronous telehealth had accelerated quickly during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has now become a critical component of our evolving healthcare system.
This webinar:
– Explore asynchronous telehealth, its importance within the healthcare ecosystem, and the benefits these technologies provide for millions of Americans
– Distinctions between historical “online questionnaires” of the early 2000s and the comprehensive asynchronous platforms of today
– Discuss recent policy updates at the federal and state levels and how policymakers can support asynchronous telehealth to expand access
Kyle Zebley, Vice President of Public Policy, American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
Patrick Carroll, MD, CMO at Hims
Lisa Ide, MD, CMO at Zipnosis
Melynda Barnes, MD, CMO at Ro
Home Testing and Telehealth
Healthcare encounters require or are greatly enhanced by access to timely test results, but lab test availability in the home has been limited. As a result, lab tests are not generally available for telehealth encounters. While the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated the market availability of over the counter home sample collection and home testing solutions, with and without prescription, the adoption has been relatively limited.
The ATA is forming a Special Interest Group (SIG) of industry leaders to access barriers to and drive actions to accelerate use of home testing the virtual care. We are gathering together medical, scientific, technology solution, laboratory and regulatory experts to discuss how to bring testing into the home.
Brandon Johnson, Managing Partner, Vectis Solutions LLC and Sr. Advisor, ATA
David Ryan, Founder of Spectovita and Sr. Advisor, ATA
Tim Bauer, EVP & Head of Science, EverlyHealth
Alexander Pastuszak, MD, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer, Vault Health
Telehealth and the FDA: A Discussion with Bakul Patel
A discussion on Telehealth and the FDA featuring:
Bakul Patel, MD, Director, Digital Health Center of Excellence, US Food and Drug Administration
Jim Mault, MD, CEO and Chairman, BioIntelliSense; Chair, Decentralized Clinical Trials SIG
Evaluating the Impact of a Pediatric Tele-Physiatry Program
The ATA’s Pediatrics Special Interest Group is focused on promoting and fostering the growth and provision of a broad spectrum of telehealth services for infants, children and adolescents, to identify and remove any barriers to the fullest implementation of pediatric telehealth. This webinar will demonstrate how telehealth can be leveraged to fill gaps in access to pediatric psychiatry care for children with special healthcare needs. Learn about two different telehealth models on parent experience, therapist experience, and costs of pediatric physiatry visits, and how implementation science methods can be used to evaluate the impact of novel pediatric telehealth programs.
Sarah Haynes, PhD MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis School of Medicine
Morgan Waller, Director of Telemedicine, Children’s Mercy Kansas City and Chair, Pediatric Special Interest Group
Interdisciplinary Clinicians SIG Open House
The ATA’s Interdisciplinary Clinicians Special Interest Group will host an open meeting with a presentation of a case study of how one institution implemented “Hospital at Home.”
Jeff Arnovitz, CNP, Manager APRN PA, Express Care Online/Digital Health/ITD, Cleveland Clinic Health Systems; Chair, Interdisciplinary Clinicians SIG
Presentation by:
Pita Nims, Senior Clinical Program Manager, Telehospitalist, Providence Telehealth; Immediate Past Chair, Interdisciplinary Clinicians SIG
Telehealth Policy Update
We invite you to listen to the latest happenings on telehealth policy in Washington, DC, and state capitals across the country.
Kyle Zebley, ATA Vice President of Public Policy
Quinn Shean
Mercer May
Telehealth Around the World: What’s Different & How We Are the Same
Hosted by the International SIG of the ATA as an Open House Presentation. This is a panel discussion featuring:
Augusto Ittig, MD, Presidente de la Red Iberoamericana de Salud Digital, Argentina
Pedro Ramos, MD, Chief of Telehealth; Professor and Researcher, Telecom-CIDE; Chief Editor, Journal of the Asociación Iberoamericana de Telesalud y Telemedicina, Mexico
Donna Henderson, President of the European Health Telematics Association, Scotland
Susan Yamamoto, Shriners Children’s Honolulu Telehealth Coordinator and Co-chair, International SIG
Dale Alverson, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Center, Dept. of Pediatrics and Co-chair, International SIG
Tele-Rehabilitation: Interprofessional Policy Principles, Federal and State Priorities
An expert panel during Telehealth Awareness Week representing the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the American Telemedicine Association (ATA). Experts will share interprofessional policy principles, priorities and advocacy initiatives, representing the interests of a diverse multidisciplinary team including over 670,000 rehabilitation services practitioners, assistants and students who provide science-driven, evidence-based practice, to enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest. These national and international professional associations remain committed to working collaboratively to ensure health equity and access to critical rehabilitation services and virtual care, especially for underserved communities. Speakers will discuss telehealth regulations, including state/federal reforms, what actions Congress and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services must take to facilitate the continued advancement of telehealth innovation and transformation of rehabilitation services and to avoid a “telehealth cliff” for therapy services.
Andy Bopp, Senior Legislative Representative, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
David Scala, Senior Specialist, Congressional Affairs, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Monica Wright, MHA, CPC, CPMA, CPCO, Manager, Coding and Payment Policy, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
Kyle Zebley, Vice President, Public Policy, American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
Evelyn Terrell, OTD, MHSA, Chair, American Telemedicine Association (ATA) Telerehabilitation Special Interest Group. Director of Telehealth and Special Projects, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital